2010-08-09/15 Weekly LOVIEE

Welcome to the beginning of the end of summer.

I realize I’m posting an event happening tonight, that actually hasn’t been posted until after the start time. I did tweet this earlier; if you’re not following the Twitter account now’s a great time to do so because I’ll be doing this more often as I find out about events at the last minute.

Wednesday 08-11

Beatles Open Mic Night, Bohemeos, 708 Telephone, 9pm. 10-W32-1

Thursday 08-12

The Mighty Orq, McGonigel’s Mucky Duck, 2425 Norfolk, 7:30pm, $15. This is Orq’s homecoming after a European tour; let’s welcome a true treasure of Houston rock and roll back to their hometown! All ages. 10-W32-2

Friday 08-13

Ian Moore & The Lossy Coils/Buttercup, Continental Club, 3700 Main, doors 9pm, $20, 21+. 10-W32-3

Fired for Walking/The Unzipped, Rudyard’s, 2010 Waugh. 10-W32-4

Saturday 08-14

Video Game Armageddon, Numbers, 300 Westheimer, 7pm-2am, $10. Featuring Jonny Nero, Sievert, Jus Coz, Shoelace, MC Router, and Dr. Awkward, as well as part of a video game tournament and live art. Proceeds to benefit Extra Life and the Texas Children’s Hopsital. 18+. 10-M08-3
