Okay, I’ve had a couple of days to relax after the wide launch to kind of reflect on things a bit, and pull some ideas together for exactly where I want this to go. I know a lot of you just kind of stumbled upon this thing because I followed your Twitter account or maybe you just came across the Facebook page. I was simply not able to make the wide launch quite as splashy or flashy as I would have liked. That’s unfortunate, but we’ll manage.
A quick summary of the soft launch up to wide launch period:
- Five weekly LOVIEEs, most of which posted on time (Monday at noon Central time).
- Two monthly LOVIEEs, both posted on time (before noon of the last day covered by the previous month’s LOVIEE). One of those actually covers events post-wide-launch; I’m including it only because it was technically posted prior to the wide launch.
- One special edition LOVIEE, long before I expected to post one.
- No recaps. I had hoped to post one recap pre-wide-launch just to show how they were going to go.
- After the first post, no admin items. I had no need to post any.
- No giveaways, yet. Believe me, they are in the works though!
- No weekly or monthly postings missed.
Overall I’m happy with the quality of events I’ve promoted. Most of the really good ones, unfortunately, I was unable to attend, due to various issues. I’ve had to work with a lot of second-hand information as well, putting a few things up where the info was incomplete or of dubious accuracy.
Just so we’re both on the same page, this is part of the reason I have a feedback form. Another reason is so I have some idea how things went, particularly if they went exceptionally well, or if they went so badly I shouldn’t list similar events in the future. Reports may be combined; one comment form per week is fine if you attend three or more events promoted on this blog. Even combining two reports from the same week is fine, really.
One quick question: Is there any reason I should not separate out holiday events into special edition LOVIEEs, and just put them in the normal weeklies/monthlies?